B. inggris please help me!!!
a. she always greets everybody
b. she always smiles to her friends
c. she likes help other people
d. she is a child
e. we love her so much
f. she also helps my mother on Sunday
g. she Waters flowers

apakah kalimat di atas termasuk simple present tense?
jika iya jawab dengan rumus atau pola nya!!!​

please help me!!!
a. she always greets everybody
b. she always smiles to her friends
c. she likes help other people
d. she is a child
e. we love her so much
f. she also helps my mother on Sunday
g. she Waters flowers

apakah kalimat di atas termasuk simple present tense?
jika iya jawab dengan rumus atau pola nya!!!​

Yes, they are. The sentences are in simple present tense. The pattern for simple present tenses are divided into 2 based on the subject:

  1. if the subject in the sentence is singular the pattern: subject + verb 1 + s/es
  2. if the subject in the sentence is plural, the pattern: subject + verb 1

Jadikan jawaban terbaikmu :)